Sunday, November 25, 2007

I.T Savvy

Lately, If you noticed many parents has given up on the old school ways and have taken up on learning how to be tech savvy. After Meng stating his dad with camera's, Hand phones and all.

I remember in November when i was in Denmark, My mom called my mobile and told me ...

"Ju!! Ju!! I got an e-mail address already. So now how? Must i go buy a laptop?"

So cute eh my mom, She thinks that if she owns an e-mail she needs to get a computer.
Then her company gave her a laptop.. When i got back, she started asking me why our house didn't have WiFi. It was a shock to me for my mom to learn so much in so little of time. But the only thing she does with her laptop is type quotations, e-mail and Solitaire. I don't dare to get her starting in other games since just Solitaire itself could get her sitting in the office till 10.30pm without realizing the time.

Then it's my dad's turn. He bought a laptop and started playing online baccarat and all. And because of his digi card, He can go online anywhere. Hence we ended up going online at the open air car park opposite Lam Wah Ee's hospital. It was so embarrassing.. but funny at the same time.


ian said...

your dad damn chinese la!! hahahaha buy a laptop just to play online bacarat!! stereotype to the max!

Julsgp said...

eh eh..WAIT still got horse online.. and football wei