Monday, July 17, 2006

Queer as Folk

Last night, Me,annie and Joe went to DVD-hunting at Batu Ferringghi. We were lucky enough when we arrived, the cops left and the stall was re-opening. Since i've already almost finished watching The L Word season 3 (compliments from annie), I wanted a new series to watch.

Choice 1: One Tree Hill (damn the actor is hot), Annie's statement :- "Watch dee lor, Good you want buy lar"

I didn't wanna get something i couldn't share to loan her and watch.. So i settled with second choice

Choice 2: Queer As Folk .. I haven't watched it, Annie hasn't watch it. Its a movie about Gays... HAhaha from a Lesbian series to a gay.. Wish me good luck staying straight...

1 comment:

Dawn said...

Yes, Chad Michael Murray is super good looking! The brunette girl is a bit werid tho, abit idiotic in the show. Apparently they were married and were recently divorced, but still have to act as a couple on screen. Hehe. Anyways Chad Michael Murray = HOT!