Tuesday, August 09, 2011

Fasting...Year 3

For those who do not know, this is my 3rd year fasting in full. Well almost full... I still swear and think naughty...
This year has been easier for me than last... For the days i do not train capoeira that is. 

As i am so used to the environment around me during these fasting month, it really woke me up when i read this post by this mat salleh dudedette which monir told me to read.

Indeed it's true, I get the same comments and remarks by mostly my non Muslim friends. For my muslim friends, they did not find it offending but instead supportive. Some friends even asked me if i was converting to becoming a Muslim (in a judgmental way) and some just laugh and say I will convert soon.

If that is the case, i would have to be a Hindu, Muslim, Christian, Buddhist & Dudeism since i in some way participated in certain things & events or ceremony. I celebrate X'mas and attended bible studies and donated to churches, I am vegetarian during the 9th month of the lunar calender and I practice free spirited thinking.. Muahahhaha....

I call myself... 1 MALAYSIAN :) So take it... and GO.... 


Mat Salleh Rempit said...

ps: I'm a girl ;)

Julsgp said...

omg so sorry.. im changing it now!!!