Thursday, November 30, 2006

A tiring day

I guess the enviroment does change a person's lifesytle.

Juliana Tan was labelled the lazy cow a long long time ago but here, I don't know why but i actually brought the laundry and walked to his mom's house to wash clothes.


Pretty scary huh?

While walking..

Oh ya here is the mom's doggie.She gained a lot of weight since the last i saw her but she recognises me :) whoohoo!!

After putting the clothes to the washing machine i had nothing to do so..
I took his mom's bicycle and rode it to the nearest shopping mall.
wobling like crazy when i got up cuz im way not used to riding a bicycle.

At the mall...

Xmas decorations were already up..

The lighthouse is a symbol of Esjberg. The fisherman's village

Then i rode back to his mom. His stepfather was already back.

After awhile his mom came back so we chat..

Then we walked home..

Boring and Tiring day..

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