Arriving at the destination after suffering 2 hours ++ with an indonesian girl that had B.O of a sweaty man, we came off the plan and the airport was so small the line to go in was taking forever and we were stuck outside waiting for our turn to get in and get scanned for swine flu .. passport etc...
Upon entering, Anita got stopped for check as her body temperature shot up while getting scanned. What they didn't realise was, she was wearing a sweater outside waiting to get in. Of course her body would be hot.. Damn hot wei!!
The first night was relaxing we checked in the hotel and started walking for food. We all agreed not to eat at the roadside street food to avoid any food poisoning whatsoever.
Got stalked by trishaw peddlers for at least 2 km walking asking us "5000 rupiah one hour!! Palace!!" Blah blah blah... dude leave us alone!
The next day, we hired a travel agency to take us to Central Java.. to see .. AT LAST! my long awaited Borobudur temple! It was magnificient!
It was 10 levels to walk up! Magnificient carvings with stories of Prince Sidartha * (Buddha before he reached enlightment)
Always finding more things to do on Borobudur.. we decided to meditate on what should be done!
And there you have it ladies and gentlemen.. Yoga exercise on the top of the temple! hahahah
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